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Herbal Treatment

Ayurvedic Wellness Coaching

I coach individuals and retreat leaders in holistic wellness.

Your Personalized Path to Wellbeing

Do you want to recover your balance and well-being according to your true nature?
Wouldn’t if feel amazing to stay on top of your food habits and embark on healthy daily routines?

I am an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and offer online and in person sessions to individual clients and to retreat hosts.

As per the teachings of Ayurveda, one of the world's oldest medical and spiritual systems, each person has a unique essence. We are a reflection of nature, and our constitution is an interplay of the energies of the five elements.

With your intention and determination and my teachings and guidance, we create personalized plans that cater to your specific attributes, which are the key to improving your health and well-being. You’ll be able to access the answers to your problems and move forward in your life.

I meet you where you are at, and I support you in this process of relating to yourself, inside and out.

Ayurveda Services

I work with individuals and with retreats hosts online or in-situ.

As your Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, we cover your lifestyle choices, routines, diet, and thought patters, and we find out your original nature (prakruti) and any current imbalances (doshas) that lead to discomfort.

Additionally, as part of Bespoke Retreat Services, I collaborate with retreat hosts who wish to design delicious Ayurvedic meals for their guests, or plan extra holistic wellness services.

I invite you to embrace your unique spiritual essence and experience the transformative power of Ayurveda.

I discovered Ayurveda in 2015 in India, whilst exploring health through food, herbs, cooking, and my personal yoga and meditation practice. I needed to recover from painful inflammatory conditions, and was increasingly seeing the connections between my physical, mental and emotional health.

Ayurveda teaches that disease is directly caused by an imbalance in the person's mind, body and consciousness. According to its 5,000-year-old teachings, feeling well equates to knowing oneself, and standing firm in one's own self, as denoted by the Sanskrit word for health, "Svastha" स्वास्थ (self-steady). I often struggled to remain steady in myself in my 20s and 30s, and my fluctuating hormones played havoc with my emotions, sleep, energy levels, hair, relationships – you name it!


My stays at Ayurveda clinics in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Portugal were watershed moments in my search for mind, body and soul balance, and in my decision, age 40, to study and dedicate myself to Ayurvedic Wellness Coaching!

Through a tailored self-care plan, I accompany you on your journey to reconnecting with your true self.

Reconnect to Your "Self"

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